Support us
Whether you choose to donate, volunteer with us, fundraise with us or become a friend, your valued support will help us to keep providing services for those who are struggling with their mental health.
Other ways you can help

Gifts in Wills
To help our supporters make a will safely and conveniently we work with Make a Will Online. You can use this link to make a will for free here. Every will is checked by a fully qualified solicitor and you have access to their helplines at no extra cost.

AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features. However, when you shop on AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organisation of your choice. Visit and log into or set up your amazon account.

Ebay for Charity
If you sell anything on eBay, you can support The Cellar Trust by donating between 10% and 100% of the sale price to us. Find out more at eBay’s charity page here.

Give as you Live
Give as you Live is a free and easy way to raise money for us by shopping online. From Amazon to ASOS, and Ticketmaster to Tesco, there are over 4,000 stores to shop with. Visit your chosen store via Give as you Live Online, simply shop as normal. You won’t see anything different on the store’s website, but as long as you’ve visited them via their link, they’ll know you’re a Give as you Live Online shopper. Find out more here.

Choose us
Did you know you can select The Cellar Trust as your Co-op Local Community Fund cause? For every £1 you spend on selected Co-op products and services, 2p will go to us. Find out more here.