Pandemic Pioneers
October 2021
The Charity Times has named The Cellar Trust’s CEO Kim Shutler as one of the UK’S top ‘Pandemic Pioneers’ Recognising Kim’s hard work, passion and dedication across the Voluntary and Community sector.
During the pandemic, Kim worked with mobilised groups in the Bradford area, as well as continuing to be the voice, and influence structure for the local sector.
“We could not have got through, and continue to work through this pandemic without our voluntary and community partners. Thank you to Kim Shutler and The Cellar Trust – well deserved.” NHS Bradford District & Craven CCG via Twitter @NHSBfdCraven
“It is feeling particularly tough advocating for our sector at the moment so this has made my day. A lovely surprise & proud that our Act As One and Bradford VCS Assembly work is being recognised nationally. This is about lots of #VCSE leaders in the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership not just me.” Kim Shutler via Twitter @KimShutler