Person centred Non-clinical Peer Support

We are here to help if you are experiencing long-term complex trauma, finding it difficult to engage with other services or feel that other services are currently not meeting your needs.  

What is complex trauma? 

Complex trauma can be defined as prolonged or repeated exposure to traumatic events, with long-term impacts. 

Examples including, but not restricted to: 

  • Severe Mental Illness (SMI), e.g. Bi-Polar, Borderline Personality Disorder, Severe Depression, Schizophrenia, OCD 
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) 
  • Childhood abuse / trauma 
  • Domestic abuse e.g. emotional, sexual, prolonged physical violence 
  • PTSD 
  • Medical Trauma 

What you can expect from this service

HOPE is a person centred and non-clinical setting based in the local community. The HOPE team work with and support you (and if appropriate your family and carers) on a 1-2-1 basis over a 12-week period, followed by the option of group work. We are sure that our peer support approach works, therefore a key aspect of the service is provided by peer support workers with lived experience of mental health challenges. 

What you can expect from the support

  • We will contact you within 3-5 working days, once a referral has been processed
  • Support can be delivered face-to-face, video, phone calls or a mixture – depending on your needs
  • Emotional peer support with the aim of building your support networks and skills to help manage your mental health and your achieve goals
  • You will receive a discharge plan at the end of our support, e.g. identifying onward support in the community, where appropriate

*Due to resource, we are not able to guarantee requested workers for clients.

What will happen once your sessions begin

You will meet your peer support worker in an agreed location. We will explain the scope of support you can expect and discuss the importance of setting boundaries. 

You will need to complete a data protection form and mental wellbeing questionnaire. 

Over the course of 12-weeks, we will:

  • Discuss your experiences. It’s a chance for you to talk about what’s been happening for you. We will explore these experiences and perceptions together
  • Identify your goals and the barriers together, work towards achieving those goals and overcoming any barriers
  • Breakdown your action plan and make priorities along the way
  • Review your progress regularly and identify further goals if needed
  • Support and empower you to arrange long term support that you may need following the sessions
  • Gather your feedback with a follow-up questionnaire at the end of the sessions so you can influence the future of the service

You can also sign-up to a peer support group or further training during your session.

“I now feel more in control and have coping skills that I didn’t have before. I know where to go if I need support in the future and I am feeling hopeful for the future.”

How you can access this service

With your consent referrals can be made by GPs or mental health professionals by completing a referral form.

Refer to HOPE

Click on the button below to complete our online referral form

Need advice on getting a referral?

If you would like support please contact us:

Email: reception@thecellartrust.org

Phone: 01274 586 474

HOPE is funded by:

HOPE is funded by Big Lottery Fund and Bradford District and Craven Health and Care Partnership.



In partnership with the NHS