Talking Therapies Employment 

Talking Therapies Employment service runs alongside Bradford District and Craven Talking Therapies.

You can access this service if you are already accessing or would like to access Bradford District and Craven Talking Therapies.

If you’re feeling low, anxious or stressed, you can self-refer on Bradford District and Craven Talking Therapies website ( It’s quick and easy and you don’t need to go through your GP.  

The service: 

  • Is FREE and confidential
  • Provides support for people aged 16 and over, who are registered with a GP in Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven
  • Offers short-term talking therapy, focusing on one mild to moderate mental health problem, such as depression, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, PTSD, phobias, bulimia and binge eating
  • Is delivered by trained therapists; either one to one, via online therapy or in a group course/workshop format
  • Offers online courses or remote therapy that can be attended in the comfort of your own home

Talking therapies such as Guided self-help, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Counselling for Depression are available and may be offered depending on which one has been shown to be most helpful for your current symptoms, needs and goals.?This will be explored within your initial assessment appointment. Talking Therapies is evidencebased and recommended by the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines. This means that extensive research and experience prove that they work.  

If you would like to refer into this service visit Bradford and Craven Talking Therapies ( to find out more. You can directly refer, using the Limbic referral assistant Limbic Chatbot. 

If you also need support to find, return to or remain in work, our dedicated team of Employment advisors can help. This service provides up to 6 sessions of support for your employment journey. 

Talking Therapies Employment will: 

  • Support with work retention 
  • Support with reasonable adjustments returning from sickness absence  
  • Offer practical help with CV writing, interview techniques and Job searching  
  • Support you to address any barriers to employment you might be experiencing  

You will be offered a referral to Talking Therapies Employment as part of your session with Talking Therapies. Your therapist will discuss this with you in your sessions. You can request a referral in your initial assessment as you can access both services at the same time.