
Reach provides one-to-one support to people struggling with severe mental illness (SMI) for up to 6-months to identify personal goals and to work together to support achieve them. 

We can also support you to access groups and other services based on where you live and your interests. What’s important is that we will be working together on what you want to achieve, in the way you would like to achieve it.

Reach is not a clinical service but is delivered by experienced colleagues who specialise in mental health.

Some of our team also have their own lived experience of mental health difficulties and recovery and are Peer Support workers.

Who is this service for?

For anyone aged 18-65, who is currently accessing secondary mental health services or on their waiting list i.e.: Bradford District Care Trust, Community Mental Health Teams, Early Intervention in Psychosis, Integrated Outreach and any other professional within secondary mental health services.

We will work alongside those who are supporting you, so that we understand your needs and you benefit from your time with us.

What support can I expect?

You can expect regular, weekly face to face support for a period of up to 6 months, where we will work on your goals and support you to access community activities and signpost or refer you into services that further support those needs. We help you to design a care plan to identify those desires, research local facilities that can fulfil those needs and support you into community hubs, education, employment, volunteering or assist with using public transport.

Within our team of support workers, we have a volunteer co-ordinator to help facilitate those volunteering opportunities, who also runs a peer support group weekly; a co-production support worker to hear the voices of those people we work with; a transition support worker to help those adapt from discharge from hospital back into the community environment and a dual diagnosis worker to support those struggling with drug and alcohol issues as well as severe mental health.

How can I access this support?

You can ask the person who is supporting you such as your Care Co-ordinator, Community Mental Health Nurse, Social Worker, Occupational Therapist to make a referral for you.

Once a referral has been received, it will be checked and processed and we will notify your Care co-ordinator this has been completed, then you will be placed on our waiting list. As soon as one of our dedicated support workers becomes available, we will contact your Care co-ordinator to arrange a joint visit, either at your home or at one of the CMHT’s, to meet with you and discuss your support requirements and aspirations.

Refer to Reach

Click on the button below to complete our online referral form

Need advice on getting a referral?

If you would like support, please contact us:


Phone: 01274 586 474

Reach work as part of the Bradford District Care Trust and Local Authority and is delivered by 2 local charities:

The Cellar Trust and HALE, who are both based in Shipley.

The Cellar Trust has provided mental health support within Bradford District for over 30 years. We work with partners to ensure mental health services are provided in the right place at the right time and meet the needs of our communities.

HALE (Health Action Local Engagement) is an award-winning charity based in Bradford, specialising in providing outreach programs, activities and education to the most vulnerable in our communities; on topics associated with mental and physical self-care. HALE will lead the volunteering element of the service and are experienced in recruiting, training and supporting volunteers.


In partnership with the NHS