What were you experiencing when you first came to the Cellar Trust?

I was in the midst of the worst breakdown of my mental health I had ever experienced in my whole life. I was in a deep crisis and needed urgent help. As soon as I entered Cellar Trust doors with my Dad, that first time, I knew they were going to help me because they were all so lovely and welcoming. It had a homely feel and atmosphere, the type of place you wanna be when you’re in that scenario. They made you feel at home as soon as you came in, the people everywhere I mean, even in the cafe. They would go out of their way for you and that stood out for me from day one, that’s what sticks with me about cellar trust.


What impact was that having on your life? 

I was deteriorating in my health fairly quickly, both physically and mentally. Looking back it was a really scary part of my life that I had to go through, the consequences were huge, so the help I needed had to be right. I was trapped in my Anxiety and OCD to depths that were unimaginable and in that cycle on a daily basis, it had overtaken my complete life in extremely detrimental ways. It was a very deep and dark place that felt never ending and I wanted to end it all.


How did the Cellar Trust help? Who did you work with?

When I first came in, I saw Will and then John, those guys man they were fantastic the way they make people feel so re-assured and at ease. They explained everything to me in depth and helped me on my journey towards recovery by getting me back into work. Also the team at Haven, I think I saw a few people from the first response crisis team a few times too, can’t remember all of them but they were all so empathetic and understanding towards me. I remember Lisa and Ken, who were great at listening to me. What cellar trust did well the most for me, was they really did play a vital part within my steps towards recovery throughout those first few months after being discharged. I needed that helping hand the most to keep me on the right road at that point in my life and cellar trust was there for me. You just never forget the people who have helped you when you were at rock bottom like that. I will never forget that!


How has your life changed? What are you looking forward to in the future?

My life has changed in many extraordinary ways. Things have happened that I could never imagine in my wildest dreams! Now I’ve got my health back and my mental health is becoming stronger and stronger every day. After being discharged my entire life changed. I’ve my own house, live independently, I work, I’ve been in the local media with my story, I’ve been mentored and getting therapy again. I’ve also just re-launched my music career again after five whole years so that’s really special too to be back doing what I love the most! I’m becoming a well known DJ in my local area and I want it to lead to national exposure and in the future become a successful music artist, it’s what I’ve always wanted to do and right now that dream is more alive than ever! Music has always helped me through my battles and continues to do so till this very day and I’m loving the journey towards success that I’m on with it, because now I’m in the right headspace to reach my goals- thanks to people like cellar trust helping me along the way! I also hope my story will inspire others to pull themselves out from it all. I’m looking forward to the re-launch of my music career and promoting my new single “Mind Body & Soul’ as much as possible.


What would you say to someone who is struggling right now with their mental health?

Talk to someone. There are lots of helplines and support available nowadays, sometimes people just aren’t aware or just too distracted or busy to look into it. But it’s there and readily available. You could ring samaritans, guide-line or first response. If you need a chat in person they will even invite you in for a face to face at the sanctuary or haven. They will listen to you and even guide you in the right direction. That first step isn’t easy but if I can do it, then you can do it too. If things are getting out of control and affecting your everyday life, then you should take a family member or friend with you to the doctors and tell them what’s going on. They will give you an assessment and refer you to your local mental health services. Don’t ever give up, because I never thought I would make it out but I did and that’s testament to anyone else who suffers mental illness, that you will get through, if you get help just work at it like I did and along the way keep believing in yourself and stay strong.